


Young Thug - Problem

title: Kurt Cobain김힙찔 Hustler 2024.11.04 13:35추천수 1댓글 0

Young Thug - Problem



We're YSL a.k.a. Private Fly Gang you know 

우리는 YSL(일명 Private Fly Gang)이야


Yeah man, we the Private Fly Gang you know, join in bitch

그래, 우리는 Private Fly Gang, 너도 알잖아, 합류해 개년아




Bitches in love with these slimers, how many now? 

이 날씬한 여자와 사랑에 빠진 년들, 지금 몇 명이냐?


Lil nigga money long as a Greyhound 

그레이하운드만큼 돈이 많은 새끼야 


Smokin' that shit out the pound 

그걸 엄청나게 피우고 있어 


We never lost it, it ain't nothin' to be found 

우리는 그것을 잃어버린 적이 없어, 찾을 수 있는 것이 아무것도 아니지 


These bitches come and go 'round and go 'round 

이 년들은 왔다 갔다 하고 돌아다니고 


I took the booty, nailed her like a mount 

난 전리품을 가져가서 그녀를 산처럼 못 박았지 


These bitches gon' cover me, I call them gowns 

이 년들은 날 덮을 거야, 난 그들을 가운이라 불러


Boy that's your problem 

얘야 그게 네 문제야 


I might fuck up a boy that's your problem 

내가 남자를 망칠 수도 있어, 그게 네 문제야 


Gettin' distorted lil boy, that's your problem

점점 왜곡되는 꼬마야, 그게 네 문제야


No need for abortions, I'll nut on your momma 

낙태는 필요 없어, 네 엄마한테 혼날 거야 


Send him up to God with no problem 

아무 문제 없이 그를 하나님께 올려 보내


Got icin' on icin' on boogers on boogers lil bitch that's my problem 

icin' on icin' icin' on boogers 새끼야 그게 내 문제야 


Boy check out that Rollie it shine like a motherfuckin' problem

얘야, Rollie 좀 봐봐, 문제처럼 빛나네




In a Bentley burnin' loud and I'm gassin' 

Bentley 안에서 시끄럽게 타오르고 난 가스를 뿜어대 


I got hundreds sittin' on hundreds, that blue cheese, I'm not ranchin' 

내겐 수백 가지가 있어, 그 블루 치즈, 난 목장을 꾸미는 게 아냐 


I done took off on a boot now I'm Paris Hilton dancing

부츠를 신었고 이제 패리스 힐튼이 춤을 추고 있어


And I feel like Marilyn Manson and I want a fucking Grammy 

그리고 난 마릴린 맨슨이 된 기분이고 빌어먹을 그래미를 원해 


Pass me that mud, please just pass me that mud 

진흙 좀 건네주세요, 그 진흙 좀 건네줘


Sticky white birds, call 'em doves 

끈적끈적한 흰 새들, 비둘기라 불러 


Implants up under my girls 

내 여자들 밑에 임플란트를 심었어 


Please no-no fallin' in love 

제발 안돼 안돼 사랑에 빠져


I'm runnin' 'round with a bitch , mine bout thick as a cup 

난 여자랑 여기저기 돌아다녀, 내 건 컵만큼 두꺼워 


Meanwhile they hatin', I done spent me some dubs

그러는 동안 그들은 미워해, 난 돈을 좀 썼지


And I'mma lie to that ho like a rug 

그리고 난 그 년에게 양탄자처럼 거짓말을 할 거야 


Gettin' money of course 

물론 돈을 벌지 





Cookin' white like the Porsches 

포르쉐처럼 흰색으로 요리해 


Shout out to Nelly Air Forces 

Nelly 공군에게 인사 


Hop in that 'ghini ran right on your porch 

그 기니가 네 현관으로 달려갔어


Hop out like motherfuck the doors 

문을 엿먹이듯이 뛰어내려


Yeah, I'mma go ahead and free Offset, yeah he a Migo 

그래, 가서 Offset을 풀어줄게, 그래 그 사람은 Migo야 





Bitches in love with these slimers, how many now? 

이 날씬한 여자와 사랑에 빠진 년들, 지금 몇 명이나 됩니까? 


Lil nigga money long as a Greyhound 

그레이하운드만큼 돈이 많은 새끼야 


Smokin' that shit out the pound 

그걸 엄청나게 피우고 있어 


We never lost it, it ain't nothin' to be found 

우리는 그것을 잃어버린 적이 없어, 찾을 수 있는 것이 아무것도 아니지 


These bitches come and go 'round and go 'round 

이 년들은 왔다 갔다 하고 돌아다니고 


I took the booty, nailed her like a mount 

난 전리품을 가져가서 그녀를 산처럼 못 박았지 


These bitches gon' cover me, I call them gowns 

이 년들은 날 덮을 거야, 난 그들을 가운이라 불러 


Boy that's your problem 

얘야 그게 네 문제야 


I might fuck up a boy that's your problem 

내가 남자를 망칠 수도 있어, 그게 네 문제야 


Gettin' distorted lil boy, that's your problem

점점 왜곡되는 꼬마야, 그게 네 문제야


No need for abortions, I'll nut on your momma 

낙태는 필요 없어, 네 엄마한테 혼날 거야 


Send him up to God with no problem 

아무 문제 없이 그를 하나님께 올려 보내


Got icin' on icin' on boogers on boogers lil bitch that's my problem 

icin' on icin' icin' on boogers 새끼야 그게 내 문제야 


Boy check out that Rollie it shine like a motherfuckin' problem

얘야, Rollie 좀 봐봐, 문제처럼 빛나네




Damn, we gon' try you in these streets 

젠장, 우린 이 거리에서 널 시험해 볼 거야 


We gon' G her with no sheets 

우린 시트도 없이 그녀와 G를 할 거야 


How long ago?

얼마나 오래 전이야?


'Bout a week 

일주일 정도 


All my attires are neat 

내 옷차림은 모두 단정해 


All of her friends are unique 

그녀의 친구들은 모두 독특해


I wanna fuck at least three 

난 적어도 세 명은 섹스하고 싶어 


Can I?



He playin'?

그 사람 놀아? 


I pop him like Pop Tarts 

난 그를 Pop Tarts처럼 팔아


I'mma demon, only see when dark 

난 악마야, 어두워질 때만 봐 


I look like I got a Visa card

Visa 카드를 받은 것 같아


Private Fly Gang, yeah agree with us 

Private Fly Gang, 그래 우리 말에 동의해 


Dinosaur B's and some C's with us 

공룡 B와 C 몇 명이 우리와 함께 있어 


I like that cat bald like an eagle bruh 

난 그 고양이가 독수리처럼 대머리인 걸 좋아해


Since I ran up my racks ain't no tamin' us 

내가 달려온 이후로 내 돈은 우릴 길들일 수 없어


Damn it's Friday, I need angel dust 

젠장 금요일이야, 엔젤 더스트가 필요해 


I fuck that bitch if she starin' 

그년이 쳐다보면 난 그년이랑 섹스할 거야 


Pull up and hop out Mclarens 

차를 세우고 Mclarens에서 내려


Don't say I won't 'cause that's darin' 

안 할 거라고 말하지 마, 그건 뻔하니까 


I'll shoot him with a bow and arrow 

활과 화살로 쏴버릴 거야 


Yeah, my bitch is a motherfuckin' horse with no saddle

그래, 내 여자는 안장이 없는 말이야


Yeah, shoot that bitch one time with a double barrel

그래, 저년을 이중 총신으로 한 번 쏴버려




Bitches in love with these slimers, how many now? 

이 날씬한 여자와 사랑에 빠진 년들, 지금 몇 명이나 되냐? 


Lil nigga money long as a Greyhound 

그레이하운드만큼 돈이 많은 새끼야 


Smokin' that shit out the pound 

그걸 엄청나게 피우고 있어 


We never lost it, it ain't nothin' to be found 

우리는 그것을 잃어버린 적이 없어, 찾을 수 있는 것이 아무것도 아니지 


These bitches come and go 'round and go 'round 

이 년들은 왔다 갔다 하고 돌아다니고 


I took the booty, nailed her like a mount 

난 전리품을 가져가서 그녀를 산처럼 못 박았지 


These bitches gon' cover me, I call them gowns 

이 년들은 날 덮을 거야, 난 그들을 가운이라 불러 


Boy that's your problem 

얘야 그게 네 문제야 


I might fuck up a boy that's your problem 

내가 남자를 망칠 수도 있어, 그게 네 문제야 


Gettin' distorted lil boy, that's your problem

점점 왜곡되는 꼬마야, 그게 네 문제야


No need for abortions, I'll nut on your momma 

낙태는 필요 없어, 네 엄마한테 혼날 거야 


Send him up to God with no problem 

아무 문제 없이 그를 하나님께 올려 보내라 


Got icin' on icin' on boogers on boogers lil bitch that's my problem 

icin' on icin' icin' on boogers 새끼야 그게 내 문제야 


Boy check out that Rollie it shine like a motherfuckin' problem

얘야, Rollie 좀 봐봐, 문제처럼 빛나네

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