


Radiohead - Optimistic

title: Kurt Cobain김힙찔 Hustler 2024.11.04 22:35댓글 0






Radiohead - Optimistic


Flies are buzzing 'round my head

파리들이 내 머리 주변에서 앵앵거려


Vultures circling the dead

독수리들은 시체를 맴돌지


Picking up every last crumb

마지막 조각까지 주워 먹으며


The big fish eat the little ones

큰 물고기가 작은 물고기들을 삼켜도


The big fish eat the little ones

큰 물고기가 작은 물고기들을 삼켜도


Not my problem, give me some

내 문젠 아니니까, 나도 조금만 달라고


You can try the best you can

넌 최선을 다하면 돼


You can try the best you can

최선을 다하면 돼


The best you can is good enough

네 최선이라면 충분하니까


You can try the best you can

넌 최선을 다하면 돼


You can try the best you can

최선을 다하면 돼


The best you can is good enough

네 최선이라면 충분하니까


This one's optimistic

이건 낙관적이야


This one went to market

이건 시장으로 갔지


This one just came out of the swamp

이건 늪에서 방금 나왔어


This one drops a payload

이건 큰 돈을 얹어줘


Fodder for the animals

동물들을 위한 사료를


Living on animal farm

동물 농장에서 살아가면서


You can try the best you can

넌 최선을 다하면 돼


You can try the best you can

최선을 다하면 돼


The best you can is good enough

네 최선이라면 충분하니까


You can try the best you can

넌 최선을 다하면 돼


You can try the best you can

최선을 다하면 돼


The best you can is good enough

네 최선이라면 충분하니까


I'd really like to help you, man

정말 자넬 돕고 싶네, 친구


I'd really like to help you, man

정말 자넬 돕고 싶어, 친구


Nervous messed up marionette

긴장이 마리오네트를 망가뜨려 놨어


Floating around on a prison ship

교도소 배 주변을 떠다니며


You can try the best you can

넌 최선을 다하면 돼


You can try the best you can

최선을 다하면 돼


The best you can is good enough

네 최선이라면 충분하니까


You can try the best you can

넌 최선을 다하면 돼


You can try the best you can

최선을 다하면 돼


The best you can is good enough

네 최선이라면 충분하니까


Dinosaurs roaming the Earth

지구를 떠도는 공룡들


Dinosaurs roaming the Earth

지구를 떠도는 공룡들


Dinosaurs roaming the Earth

지구를 떠도는 공룡들

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