


Juice WRLD - The Man, The Myth, The Legend (Interlude)

title: Kurt Cobain김힙찔 Hustler 2024.11.05 23:03댓글 0



Juice WRLD - The Man, The Myth, The Legend (Interlude)


What do you see in Juice WRLD?

주스월드에서 뭐가 보이나?


Like, talk about the talent that you see from him.

그의 재능에 대해 이야기해줘


You just brought him out on stage in front of all these people.

너는 방금 그를 이 많은 사람들 앞에서 무대에 올렸어.


I see you said he is like the best freestyler alive.

너가 그가 현존하는 최고의 프리스타일러라고 했다는 걸 봤어


He like, he like that 2009 or 2000.

그는, 그는 2009년이나 2000년 같은 사람이야


He probably like the 2006, bro, that 2006 to 2009 Lil Wayne.

아마도 그는 2006년 같은 사람이지, 2006년부터 2009년까지의 릴 웨인이야


He that, he that nigga.

그가 그 사람이지, 그 사람


And then they sit here do the, uh,

그리고 그들은 여기서, 어,


He’ll do another version of the song or freestyle.

그는 노래나 프리스타일의 다른 버전을 할 거야


He did like three, three, four songs over one beat.

그는 한 비트 위에 세 곡, 세 곡 반 정도 했어


All freestyle, like which one we like.

모두 프리스타일이야, 어떤 게 좋을지


Yeah, man, just let me know, I’ma text you.

응, 친구야, 그냥 알려줘, 문자할게


Aight, bet.

좋아, 약속해


For sure guys (nice to meet you, man).

확실히, 친구들 (만나서 반가워)


I fuck with you bro.

너랑 잘 지내


Word up, nice to meet you bro.

말이야, 만나서 반가워


Aight bro, aight bro

좋아, 좋아.


Be blessed, bro.

행복하길 바래


Yeah, you too, bro.

응, 너도


Yes sir, be safe.

그래, 안전하게 지내


Yo, shoutout to Juice too, man.

야, 주스에게도 인사해


Like, yo, he, that kid was so talented, man.

그야, 그 친구는 정말 재능이 있었어


He like, his freestyle he did on Westwood.

그의 프리스타일은 웨스트우드에서 했던 거야.


Where he rapped for an hour, like what the fuck?

그가 한 시간 동안 랩했어, 진짜 대박이지?


And to be so young.

그리고 그렇게 젊은 나이에


He like mastered that so fucking quickly.

그는 그걸 정말 빠르게 마스터했어




It’s really sad man, that, that

정말 슬퍼, 그게


Like his potential was so off the charts.

그의 잠재력이 정말 엄청났거든





You know who the best freestyle I’ve ever seen is?

내가 본 프리스타일러가 누군지 알아?





Juice WRLD.



Juice, yeah.



Have you ever seen his freestyles?

그의 프리스타일을 본 적 있어?




They’re, they’re so, they’re never-ending.

그들은 정말, 결코 끝나지 않아


He can do it for like an hour.

그는 한 시간 동안 할 수 있어


And he makes total sense the entire time.

그리고 그는 그 동안 완전히 이해가 되는 말을 해


And is actually really, like good, like intricate flow patterns.

그리고 정말, 아주 좋고, 복잡한 플로우 패턴을 가지고 있어


He, like to me, he was the best freestyler I’ve ever seen.

그는, 내게, 내가 본 프리스타일러였어


And he was like the best hitmaker—he was like

그리고 그는 최고의 히트 메이커였어—그는


I really feel like he was the most talented, uh, like songwriter in music.

정말 그가 음악에서 가장 재능 있는 작곡가였다고 느껴


I can’t imagine they’re just goin’ in there and doin’ one—

그들이 단지 거기 가서 하나만 하고 있다는 걸 상상할 수 없어


Juice did that, my friend, Benny worked with Juice.

주스는 그랬어, 내 친구 베니는 주스와 작업했어.





And he would say, he would go in the booth,

그리고 그는 말했어, 그는 부스에 들어가서,


Go three minutes over the beat, and it be a hit.

비트 위에 3분간 랩하면, 그것이 히트가 됐대


And then he said, “Okay, another one.”

그리고 그는 말했어, “좋아, 또 하나.”


And then he’d go three minutes over the beat.

그리고 그는 다시 비트 위에 3분간 랩해


And it be a different hit.

그리고 그것이 또 다른 히트가 됐지


And then he’d be like, “Just pick whatever version you want.”

그리고 그는 “원하는 버전을 골라.“라고 했어


He would tell Benny to cut it up?

그는 베니에게 자르라고 말했어?


No, not even cut it up, just like pick, like which hit do you want?

아니, 잘라서가 아니라, 그냥 어떤 히트를 원하냐고 골라라고 했어.


He freestyled—the whole song is freestyled.

그는 즉흥으로—전체 노래가 즉흥으로 만들어졌어






히트 곡.





Like smash hits.

진짜 대박 히트 곡.


How, how, how?

어떻게, 어떻게, 어떻게?


I sit in my room for six months and write a verse.

나는 내 방에 앉아 6개월 동안 구절을 써


This guy goes in there and it’s four minutes and it’s a smash.

이 친구는 거기 가서 4분 만에 대박을 내


I think, like, what

나는 생각해, 어떻게


What Juice was to our generation, bro

주스가 우리 세대에 끼친 영향은


And the impact he had on us is what Biggie did for New York, for real.

그리고 그가 우리에게 끼친 영향은 비기가 뉴욕에 끼친 것과 같아, 진짜로.


Like, I really think, um, what he had, that, like, that Biggie, Pac effect.

나는 정말로 그가 가졌던 것, 비기, 팍 효과를 생각해.


You know what I’m sayin’?

내가 무슨 말 하는지 알지?


In his short time here.

그가 여기 있었던 짧은 시간 동안.

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