


Juice WRLD - Fighting Demons

title: Kurt Cobain김힙찔 Hustler 2024.11.05 22:15댓글 0


Juice WRLD - Fighting Demons



Yeah, I run away

그래, 나는 도망쳐


In fear of me dyin’ today, uh

오늘 내가 죽을까 봐 두려워서


And I’m not the same

그리고 나는 예전 같지 않아


Who said I was subject to change?

누가 내가 변할 거라고 했어?


My demons are breakin’ out of their cage

내 내면의 악마들이 우리를 부수고 나와


I’m prayin’ that I see another day (chill, chill)

내가 내일을 볼 수 있길 기도해 (진정해, 진정해)


I said my demons are breakin’ out of their cage

내 악마들이 우리를 부수고 나온다고 했어


On my knees, I pray for better days

무릎 꿇고 더 나은 날을 위해 기도해




*Chip, chip, cheerio, everything’s all good, right?

기운내자, 모든 게 다 괜찮지?

(*영국식 표현으로, 누군가를 기운 내게 하거나, 모든 것이 괜찮다고 강조할 때 사용됨, 여기선 겉으로는 모든 게 좋아 보이지만, 실제로는 그렇지 않다는 반어적인 의미가 담겨 있어요)


I got rich, I got rich, I’m livin’ that fast life

난 부자가 됐어, 난 부자가 됐어, 빠르게 사는 삶을 살고 있어


*Couple M’s in my bank account, I got cash, right?

내 은행 계좌엔 수백만 달러가 있어, 현금이 있잖아, 맞지?

(*은행에 수백만 달러가 있다는 뜻으로 부를 과시하는 표현)


And that’s supposed to make me happy

그리고 그게 나를 행복하게 해줄 거라 했지


I got a couple questions

하지만 궁금한 게 있어


How come that shit don’t ever make me happy?

왜 그런 것들이 날 행복하게 만들지 않는 걸까?


Money give me an erection

돈은 나에게 자극을 줘


But that don’t mean it’s gon’ be everlasting

하지만 그게 영원히 지속된다는 뜻은 아니야


Yeah, I know it’s a blessing

그래, 그게 축복이라는 건 알아


But how come it always feel like the devil plottin’

그런데 왜 항상 악마가 계획하는 것처럼 느껴질까?


And the devil watchin’?

그리고 악마가 지켜보는 것 같아?


He see me buyin’ all these watches

그는 내가 시계들을 사들이는 걸 보고 있어


Benjamin Franklin in my pockets

벤자민 프랭클린(돈)이 내 주머니에 있어


Ooh, been a *year of the glitz and the glam

오, 반짝이고 화려한 한 해였어

(*사치스러운 라이프스타일을 뜻하는 표현)


And the TV channels, brain’s going scramble

TV 채널들이 머리를 어지럽혀


Scrambling sometimes ’cause this shit is hard to handle

가끔 너무 복잡해, 이게 다루기 힘들어서


Demons in my heart (yeah), *they destroy me like a vandal (uh)

내 마음속 악마들(그래), 그들은 내 마음을 파괴해, 마치 파괴자처럼

(*내면의 악마들이 파괴적으로 자신을 망가뜨린다는 의미)



Take my hand

내 손을 잡아줘


Don’t give up

포기하지 마


Take my hand

내 손을 잡아줘


Don’t give up

포기하지 마


Yeah, I run away

그래, 나는 도망쳐


In fear of me dyin’ today, uh

오늘 내가 죽을까 봐 두려워서


And I’m not the same

그리고 나는 예전 같지 않아


Who said I was subject to change?

누가 내가 변할 거라고 했어?


My demons are breakin’ out of their cage

내 내면의 악마들이 우리를 부수고 나와


I’m prayin’ that I see another day (chill, chill)

내가 내일을 볼 수 있길 기도해 (진정해, 진정해)


I said my demons are breakin’ out of their cage

내 악마들이 우리를 부수고 나온다고 했어


On my knees, I pray for better days

무릎 꿇고 더 나은 날을 위해 기도해




Karma ain’t what you think it is

카르마(업보)는 네가 생각하는 그런 게 아니야


Super stressed, still handle all of my business

엄청 스트레스받지만, 여전히 내 모든 일을 처리해


Do the best I can, yes, I can

최선을 다해, 그래, 할 수 있어


Yes, I am, misfortune

그래, 나는 맞서 싸워, 불운에


I know in the dark, they be lurking (why?)

어둠 속에서 그들이 숨어 있는 걸 알아 (왜?)


Same way they lurk in your head when they get in your mind

그들이 네 마음속에 들어와 너의 머릿속에 숨어있는 것과 같아


You don’t wanna know what they’re tryin’ to find

그들이 뭘 찾으려 하는지 알고 싶지 않을 거야


I’ll protect your soul, uh

내가 네 영혼을 지켜줄게, 어



Take my hand

내 손을 잡아줘


Don’t give up

포기하지 마


Take my hand

내 손을 잡아줘


Don’t give up

포기하지 마


Yeah, I run away

그래, 나는 도망쳐


In fear of me dyin’ today, uh

오늘 내가 죽을까 봐 두려워서


And I’m not the same

그리고 나는 예전 같지 않아


Who said I was subject to change?

누가 내가 변할 거라고 했어?


My demons are breakin’ out of their cage

내 내면의 악마들이 우리를 부수고 나와


I’m prayin’ that I see another day (chill, chill)

내가 내일을 볼 수 있길 기도해 (진정해, 진정해)


I said my demons are breakin’ out of their cage

내 악마들이 우리를 부수고 나온다고 했어


On my knees, I pray for better days

무릎 꿇고 더 나은 날을 위해 기도해

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