


Juice WRLD - Screw Juice

title: Kurt Cobain김힙찔 Hustler 2024.11.05 22:31댓글 0


Juice WRLD - Screw Juice



I’m apart, I’m exposed

나는 분리되어 있고, 노출되었어


I’m the flaw, hell if I know

나는 결함이야, 왜 그런지는 나도 몰라


I’m the cause, the cuts, and the deep wounds

내가 원인이야, 상처와 깊은 상흔의


I’ve made it this far, if I can then you can too

난 여기까지 왔어, 내가 할 수 있었다면 너도 할 수 있어




If I can, then you can too

내가 할 수 있었다면 너도 할 수 있어


If I can then you can too, woo

내가 할 수 있었다면 너도 할 수 있어, 우


Been a long fight, still no truth (oh yeah)

오랜 싸움이었지만, 아직 진실은 없어 (오 그래)


Been a long night, sippin’ on *chop and screw juice

긴 밤이었어, ‘Chop and Screw’ 주스를 마시며

(*약물 중독을 나타내는 속어로, 텍사스에서 느리게 믹싱한 힙합 곡을 표현하는 “chopped and screwed”에서 비롯됨)


She said she wanna screw Juice

그녀는 Juice와 관계를 갖고 싶다고 했어


Her boyfriend like, “Screw *Juice”

그녀의 남자친구는 “Juice 따위 신경 안 써”라고 말했지

(*여기서 ‘screw’는 여러 의미로 해석 가능함: 무시하다, 혹은 욕설로)


Hit ’em with the ooh-la-la

그들에게 오~라라를 날려줘


Then hit ’em with the doom-doom

그리고 둠둠(어두운 기운)을 날려줘


Everyday my heart racin’, *Lamborghini, shit on vroom-vroom

매일 내 심장은 질주해, 람보르기니처럼, 부릉부릉

(*Lamborghini의 빠른 속도를 이용해 심장의 불안함을 비유)


Everyday my heart racin’, for no reason, what have I come to?

매일 내 심장이 불안해, 이유도 없이, 내가 어떻게 된 걸까?


Yeah, what have I turned to?

그래, 내가 어떻게 변했지?


A lot of people turned they back on me, what have I turned to?

많은 사람들이 내게 등을 돌렸어, 내가 어떻게 변했지?


Man, fuck that shit, I gotta stay true

젠장, 그런 건 다 잊어, 난 진실되게 살아야 해


Sippin’ on *Actavis in my panic room

공황 상태에서 Actavis를 마셔

(*Actavis는 강력한 진통제로, 약물 의존을 나타냄)




I’m apart, I’m exposed

나는 분리되어 있고, 노출되었어


I’m the flaw, hell if I know

나는 결함이야, 왜 그런지는 나도 몰라


I’m the cause, the cuts, and the deep wounds

내가 원인이야, 상처와 깊은 상흔의


I’ve made it this far, if I can then you can too

난 여기까지 왔어, 내가 할 수 있었다면 너도 할 수 있어




Drugs in my hand (my hand), what I’m gon’ do? (Yeah)

내 손에 약이 있어, 내가 뭘 해야 하지? (그래)


I’m a high guy (high guy), kinda fly too

난 취했어, 그리고 약간 멋지기도 해


Cupid did a drive-by, shot me from the sunroof

큐피드가 드라이브 바이 슛을 했어, 선루프로 날 쐈어


Hit a nigga ten times, Gucci shirt, I bled through

열 번이나 맞았어, 구찌 셔츠를 통해 피가 스며들었어


Stains, stains, stains, stain

얼룩, 얼룩, 얼룩, 얼룩


Blood in the rain

빗속의 피


Shame, shame, shame, shame

수치심, 수치심, 수치심, 수치심


He used my chest as a firin’ range

그는 내 가슴을 사격장으로 썼어


Um, fire away

그래, 발사해


I’m feeling low, so I feel like I’m gon’ get higher today, ayy

기분이 다운돼서, 오늘 더 올라가야 할 것 같아


Click-clack, fire away

찰칵, 발사해


Night crawlin’, me and* Michael Myers on a double date

밤을 기어 다녀, 나와 마이클 마이어스가 함께 데이트 중

(*유명 공포영화 속 마이클 마이어스를 언급해 어두운 분위기를 조성)




I’m apart, I’m exposed

나는 분리되어 있고, 노출되었어


I’m the flaw, hell if I know

나는 결함이야, 왜 그런지는 나도 몰라


I’m the cause, the cuts, and the deep wounds

내가 원인이야, 상처와 깊은 상흔의


I’ve made it this far, if I can then you can too

난 여기까지 왔어, 내가 할 수 있었다면 너도 할 수 있어

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