


Radiohead - Morning Bell

title: Kurt Cobain김힙찔 Hustler 2024.11.04 22:48댓글 0



Radiohead - Morning Bell


The morning bell

아침 종소리


The morning bell

아침 종소리


Light another candle and

촛불을 하나 더 켜고


Release me

나를 풀어줘


Release me

나를 풀어줘


You can keep the furniture

가구는 가지고 있어도 돼


A bump on the head

머리 위의 혹


Howling down the chimney

굴뚝 아래로 들려오는 울음소리


Release me

나를 풀어줘


Release me

나를 풀어줘





Release me

나를 풀어줘


Release me

나를 풀어줘


Where'd you park the car?

차는 어디에 주차해 놨어?


Where'd you park the car?

차는 어디에 주차해 놨어?


Clothes are all alone with the furniture

옷은 가구와 함께 있고


Now I might as well

이제 나도 그냥


I might as well

나도 그냥


Sleepy jack the fire drill

졸리게 있다가 갑자기 놀라서 뛰어다녀


Round and round and round

이리로, 저리로, 이리로


And round and round and round and round

저리로, 이리로, 저리로, 이리로 


And round



Cut the kids in half

아이들은 반으로 갈라


Cut the kids in half

아이들은 반으로 갈라


Cut the kids in half

아이들은 반으로 갈라

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