


Juice WRLD - Conversations

title: Kurt Cobain김힙찔 Hustler 2024.11.05 01:28댓글 0


Juice WRLD - Conversation


The devil hit my phone, he wanna talk

악마가 내 전화로 연락을 해, 나랑 얘기하고 싶대


But I’m not really up for conversations

하지만 난 대화할 기분이 별로 아냐


I can *have my cake and eat it too

내가 원하는 걸 다 가질 수 있어

(*욕심을 부려도 다 가질 수 있다는 뜻)


I just gotta make a reservation

예약만 잡으면 돼


Chillin’ in my head, but it’s hot

머릿속은 차분한데, 뜨거워


Flames everywhere, I see Satan

사방에 불꽃이 보여, 악마가 보여


Demons tryna run up in my spot a lot

악마들이 내 자리로 자주 들어오려 해


Really, really runnin’ out of patience

정말, 정말로 인내심이 바닥나고 있어



T-Timing, timing, timing

타이밍, 타이밍, 타이밍


All about timing, timing, timing

모든 건 타이밍이야


Sit back in my chair, relaxing and reclining

의자에 기대어 앉아, 편히 쉬며 기대


He has not a care in the world, no, I’m lying

아무 걱정도 없는 듯, 아니, 거짓말이야


Takin’ all these meds to the face got me flying

약을 얼굴에 퍼부으며 취해 있어


Takin’ all these meds to the face got me dying

약을 퍼부으며 죽어가고 있어


Smoke ’til my mind frying, eyes red, high and crying

머리가 타들어갈 때까지 피워, 눈은 빨갛고, 취해서 울고 있어


Numb the pain with *Oxy and Dior, yeah, pricey

Oxy와 Dior로 고통을 마비시켜, 그래, 비싸지

(*“Oxy”는 진통제인 옥시코돈을 뜻함)


*Juice like Tupac Shakur, no iced tea

투팍 샤커처럼 주스를 마셔, 아이스티 아냐

(*“Juice”는 높은 에너지나 영향력을 뜻함)


Givenchy, Louis V, Double V, icy

지방시, 루이비통, Double V, 반짝이는 것들


Wedding ring, better things, better half, wifey

결혼 반지, 더 나은 것들, 나의 반쪽, 아내


Only things numbing me from this hard life, uh, uh, alright

이 힘든 삶에서 나를 마비시키는 유일한 것들, 어, 어, 괜찮아



The devil hit my phone, he wanna talk

악마가 내 전화로 연락을 해, 나랑 얘기하고 싶대


But I’m not really up for conversations

하지만 난 대화할 기분이 별로 아냐


I can have my cake and eat it too

내가 원하는 걸 다 가질 수 있어


I just gotta make a reservation

예약만 잡으면 돼


Chillin’ in my head, but it’s hot

머릿속은 차분한데, 뜨거워


Flames everywhere, I see Satan

사방에 불꽃이 보여, 악마가 보여


Demons tryna run up in my spot a lot

악마들이 내 자리로 자주 들어오려 해


Really, really runnin’ out of patience

정말, 정말로 인내심이 바닥나고 있어



I’m waiting, waiting, waiting, sittin’ up

기다려, 기다려, 기다려, 앉아 있어


Waiting, waiting, waiting, contemplating

기다려, 기다려, 기다리며 고민해


My heart racing

심장이 빠르게 뛰고 있어


Feels like I’ma die every second of the day

하루의 매 순간이 죽을 것 같아


So I gotta get high

그래서 취해야만 해


Ain’t no coming down, ain’t no coming down, why?

내려올 수 없어, 내려올 수 없어, 왜?


My anxiety bring me down, that’s the fucking downside

불안감이 날 끌어내려, 그게 정말 나쁜 점이야


It’s like every time I *ball, I just end up offside

공을 잡을 때마다 결국엔 오프사이드야

(*여기서 “ball”은 성공을 이루려는 것을, “offside”는 목표에서 벗어나는 것을 의미+축구의 오프사이드를 이용한 펀치라인)


This light of mine goes dim tonight

내 빛이 오늘 밤에 어두워져


Will I be alright?

난 괜찮을까?


Let me guess, no answer, right?

짐작하자면, 답이 없겠지, 그렇지?



The devil hit my phone, he wanna talk

악마가 내 전화로 연락을 해, 나랑 얘기하고 싶대


But I’m not really up for conversations

하지만 난 대화할 기분이 별로 아냐


I can have my cake and eat it too

내가 원하는 걸 다 가질 수 있어


I just gotta make a reservation

예약만 잡으면 돼


Chillin’ in my head, but it’s hot

머릿속은 차분한데, 뜨거워


Flames everywhere, I see Satan

사방에 불꽃이 보여, 악마가 보여


Demons tryna run up in my spot a lot

악마들이 내 자리로 자주 들어오려 해


Really, really runnin’ out of patience

정말, 정말로 인내심이 바닥나고 있어

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