


Juice WRLD - Righteous

title: Kurt Cobain김힙찔 Hustler 2024.11.05 02:05댓글 0


Juice WRLD - Righteous




All white Gucci suit, I’m feeling righteous, yeah

새하얀 구찌 수트를 입고, 정의롭다고 느껴


I know that the truth is hard to digest, yeah

진실을 받아들이기 어려운 걸 알아


Five or six pills in my right hand, yeah

오른손에 다섯, 여섯 알의 약을 쥐고 있어


Codeine runneth over on my nightstand

내 침대 옆 탁자에 코데인이 넘쳐


Taking medicine to fix all of the damage

모든 상처를 치료하려고 약을 먹어


My anxiety the size of a planet (yeah), oh

내 불안은 행성만큼 커


Holes in my skull, over time

시간이 지나며 내 두개골엔 구멍이 생겨


My heart’s over ice (whoa)

내 마음은 얼음 위에 있어




Over ice, I’m freezing

얼음 위에서, 얼어붙고 있어


Beautiful eyes, deceiving

아름다운 눈, 하지만 속이고 있어


We may die this evening

오늘 밤 우린 죽을지도 몰라


Coughing, wheezing, bleeding

기침하고, 쌕쌕대며, 피 흘려


High, I’m an anxious soul

취해있어, 난 불안한 영혼이야


Blood moons are my eyes, stay low

내 눈은 피처럼 붉은 달, 낮게 깔려 있어


Red and black, they glow

빨갛고 검게 빛나


Under attack, in my soul

내 영혼은 공격당하고 있어


When it’s my time, I’ll know

내 시간이 오면, 알게 될 거야


Never seen a hell so cold

이토록 차가운 지옥은 처음이야


Yeah, we’ll make it out, I know

우린 이겨낼 거야, 그건 알아


We’ll run right through the flames, let’s go

불길을 뚫고 달려나가자, 가자




All white Gucci suit, I’m feeling righteous, yeah

새하얀 구찌 수트를 입고, 정의롭다고 느껴


I know that the truth is hard to digest, yeah

진실을 받아들이기 어려운 걸 알아


Five or six pills in my right hand, yeah

오른손에 다섯, 여섯 알의 약을 쥐고 있어


Codeine runneth over on my nightstand

내 침대 옆 탁자에 코데인이 넘쳐


Taking medicine to fix all of the damage

모든 상처를 치료하려고 약을 먹어


My anxiety the size of a planet (yeah), oh

내 불안은 행성만큼 커


Holes in my skull, over time

시간이 지나며 내 두개골엔 구멍이 생겨


My heart’s over ice (whoa), uh

내 마음은 얼음 위에 있어




I’m in too deep

난 너무 깊이 빠졌어


Can’t swim like me

나처럼 수영할 수 없어


We’re drowning, so I will see

우린 익사하고 있어, 그래서 난 보게 될 거야


My demons ten feet under me

내 악마들은 나보다 열 피트 아래에 있어


Inhale, exhale, but I can’t breathe

숨을 들이쉬고 내쉬지만, 숨을 쉴 수 없어


Too busy drinking codeine doing high speeds

코데인을 마시며 고속으로 달리는 데 너무 바빠


Crash, pour a four, sip it slow, make the time pass

추락해, 네 잔을 따르고, 천천히 마셔, 시간이 지나게


Take a pill for the thrill, have a relapse

스릴을 위해 약을 먹고, 다시 빠져들어


Devil in my head tryna run gym laps

내 머릿속의 악마가 운동장 한 바퀴를 뛰려 해


I ain’t tryna race, he don’t even know me like that

난 경주하고 싶지 않아, 그는 나를 그렇게까지 알지 못해




All white Gucci suit, I’m feeling righteous

새하얀 구찌 수트를 입고, 정의롭다고 느껴


I know that the truth is hard to digest

진실을 받아들이기 어려운 걸 알아


Five or six pills in my right hand

오른손에 다섯, 여섯 알의 약을 쥐고 있어


Codeine runneth over on my nightstand

내 침대 옆 탁자에 코데인이 넘쳐


Taking medicine to fix all of the damage

모든 상처를 치료하려고 약을 먹어


My anxiety the size of a planet (yeah), oh

내 불안은 행성만큼 커


Holes in my skull, over time

시간이 지나며 내 두개골엔 구멍이 생겨


My heart’s over ice (whoa)

내 마음은 얼음 위에 있어

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