


Juice WRLD - Bad Energy

title: Kurt Cobain김힙찔 Hustler 2024.11.05 01:54댓글 0



Juice WRLD - Bad Energy



Swallow all these pills with my pride, uh

내 자존심과 함께 이 모든 약을 삼켜


Married to my highs, you may kiss the bride

내 쾌락에 결혼한 거야, 신부에게 입맞춤해


Trouble in my brain, see it in my eyes

머릿속이 혼란스러워, 내 눈에 그게 보여


I got voices in my head, they keep me up at night

내 머릿속엔 목소리들이 있고, 그게 밤마다 날 깨워


Said I was okay, but I’m lying, feel like that I’m dying

괜찮다고 했지만 거짓말이야, 죽을 것 같은 기분이야


Soul screaming, crying, feel my brain frying

영혼이 비명을 지르고 울부짖어, 내 뇌가 타는 기분이야


Try to numb the pain, all the drugs I been buying

고통을 마비시키려 애쓰며, 내가 사온 모든 약들


This Oxy gettin’ pricey, pour the codeine in the Hi-C

이 옥시가 비싸져, 하이시에 코데인을 타


Blood red blend in the Hi-C

피처럼 붉은 색이 하이시에 섞여


I’ve been doing so much wrong

나는 정말 많은 잘못을 저질러왔어


Even though ma told me to do the right thing

엄마가 올바르게 살라고 했음에도


Poppin’ pills all night long

밤새도록 약을 먹어대


In the studio pourin’ out my feelings

스튜디오에서 내 감정을 쏟아내


Can’t explain this feeling

이 감정을 설명할 수 없어


Kinda feels like I’m losing

약간 내가 지는 것 같아


Even though I’m winning

내가 이기고 있는데도



Drain out bad energy (drain out bad energy)

나쁜 에너지를 빼내 (나쁜 에너지를 빼내)


Forget the bad memories (forget the bad memories)

나쁜 기억들을 잊어 (나쁜 기억들을 잊어)


Drain out bad energy (drain out bad energy)

나쁜 에너지를 빼내 (나쁜 에너지를 빼내)


Forget the bad memories (forget the bad memories)

나쁜 기억들을 잊어 (나쁜 기억들을 잊어)



Multi-million dollars

수백만 달러


All mine from the start

처음부터 내 것이었어


Codeine kills the drama

코데인이 드라마를 끝내


And the trauma in my heart

그리고 내 마음 속 트라우마도


Just got a call from the dark side

어둠의 세계로부터 전화가 왔어


Stab wounds in my chest, but I’m alright

가슴에 찔린 상처가 있지만, 난 괜찮아


I miss my friends, I hate this spotlight

친구들이 그리워, 이 주목이 싫어


I love my girl, I hate the *thot life

내 여자를 사랑해, 하지만 문란한 생활은 싫어

(*문란하고 방탕한 생활을 뜻함)


Yellow diamonds, shiny pearls

노란 다이아몬드와 빛나는 진주


I’m tryna give her the world

그녀에게 세상을 주려고 해


I’m tryna show her the world

그녀에게 세상을 보여주려 해


She ain’t no ordinary girl

그녀는 평범한 여자가 아니야


I know she know, I know she know I’m down and out

그녀도 알아, 내가 무너지고 있다는 걸 그녀도 알아


Life is a ocean, demons I’ve been drownin’ out

삶은 바다야, 그 속에서 악마들을 물리쳐왔어


I watch the crowd and crack a smile

관중을 보며 미소를 지어


I have a job to lead them out

그들을 이끌어주는 게 내 일이야



Drain out bad energy (drain out bad energy)

나쁜 에너지를 빼내 (나쁜 에너지를 빼내)


Forget the bad memories (forget the bad memories)

나쁜 기억들을 잊어 (나쁜 기억들을 잊어)


Drain out bad energy (drain out bad energy)

나쁜 에너지를 빼내 (나쁜 에너지를 빼내)


Forget the bad memories (forget the bad memories, drain)

나쁜 기억들을 잊어 (나쁜 기억들을 잊어, 빼내)

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