


학교 영어 시간에 한번쯤 들어봤던 곡

title: IllmaticBlack Star2024.10.12 03:05조회 수 526댓글 10




세라 본 (Sarah Vaughan) - A Lover's Concerto




How gentle is the rain
That falls softly on the meadow?
Birds, high up in the trees
Serenade the clouds with their melodies


Oh, see, there beyond the hill
The bright colors of the rainbow
Some magic from above
Made this day for us just to fall in love


Now, I belong to you
From this day until forever
Just love me tenderly
And I'll give to you every part of me


Oh, don't ever make me cry
Through long, lonely nights without us
Be always true to me
Keep this day in your heart eternally


Someday we shall return
To this place upon the meadow
We'll walk out in the rain
Hear the birds above singing once again


You'll hold me in your arms
And say once again you love me
And, if your love is true
Everything will be just as wonderful


You'll hold me in your arms
And say once again you love me
And, if your love is true
Everything will be just as wonderful


You'll hold me in your arms
And say once again you love me
And, if your love is true
Everything will be just as wonderful




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학교 영어 선생님이 한번쯤 학생들에게 들려줬던 것 같네요

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