


지금 칸예 옆에는 누군가는 있겠지?

title: A$AP Rocky (TESTING)Mixside2025.02.08 02:38조회 수 508댓글 3

혼자 있을까봐 걱정됨... 잘못된 생각할까봐.

비앙카라도 있겠지?


TLOP 돌리다가 FML 듣고, Real Friends 듣는데 눈물 밖에 안난다.. ㅆㅂ..



Real friends
I guess I get what I deserve, don't I?
Word on the streets is they ain't heard from him, uh
I guess I get what I deserve, don't I?


I just showed up for the yams though
Maybe fifteen minutes, took some pictures with your sister
Merry Christmas, then I'm finished, then it's back to business
You wanna ask some questions 'bout some real shit?


I hate when a nigga text you like, "What's up, fam? Hope you good"
You say, "I'm good, I'm great", the next text they ask you for somethin'
How many?
What's best for your family, immediate or extended
Any argument, the media'll extend it
I had a cousin that stole my laptop that I was fuckin' bitches on
Paid that nigga two hundred-fifty thousand just to get it from him
Real friends




댓글 3
  • 1 2.8 02:39

    이러다가 never see me again 정식발매하는거 아니겠지

  • 2.8 02:42

    seeyou agian...

  • title: Mac MillerCuP
    2.8 07:25

    최고의 곡이지만 유출로만 있어야하는 명곡….

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