“It’s definitely going to be very different to what people are familiar (with) … and the image that we debuted with,” said Pham, explaining that the band also wants to “experiment with different types of performances.”
“Beforehand, we were very focused on being the kind of ‘girl next door’… So, we’re going for a (look that’s) a lot more sharp, a lot more bold,” she added. “And fashion wise: We love wearing streetwear and non-gendered kind of clothing. I think that concept and aspect is going to play a really strong role in our (new) fashion as well.”
"우리는 다양한 유형의 무대를 도전해보기를 원해요. 여러분이 알고 있는 데뷔 때의 모습이나, 원래의 저희 모습과는 정말 다를거에요. 이전에, 우리는 '이웃 소녀'가 되는 것에 집중했어요... 이번에 우리는 훨씬 더 날카롭고, 훨씬 더 대담해질거에요. 우리는 스트릿 웨어와 성별을 넘나드는 옷을 입는 것을 좋아해요. 그런 콘셉트들이 우리의 (새로운) 패션에서도 정말 강력한 역할을 할 것이라고 생각해요."
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