✏Soul delivery x 아임라이브 사용설명서✏ by Soul delivery 00:44 Fish and chips 느끼하고 바삭하게. Greasy and crispy 10:19 목련 (with JINBO) / Magnolia (with JINBO) JINBO의 솔직한 목소리와 진실된 가사. JINBO’s genuine voice combined with candid lyrics 15:31 Wisdom (with RuRu) Is it wisdom? 갈게 난 다른 길로 You can call me a freak! Is it wisdom? I’d rather go another way You can call me a freak! 21:48 Greenwich Holiday (with THAMA, SOLE) 우리의 사랑과 음악에 대한 열정. 생각하는 것과 느끼는 것들은 믿고, 그대로 앞으로 나아가 “현실이 되는 꿈"을 꾸자. Our love and passion for music are captured in this song Let’s believe in ourselves, head to our goals and “turn our dreams into reality”
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