


여러분의 칸예 앨범 당 최애곡은?

칸베지드예2024.08.14 13:36조회 수 1248추천수 2댓글 27


TCD: All Falls Down, Through The Wire

LR: Roses

Grad: Can't tell me nothing, Good Life

808s: Robocop

Mbdtf: POWER, Runaway

WTT: Ns In Paris

Yeezus: New Slaves, Black Skinhead

TLOP: No More Parties In LA

ye: Ghost Town

KSG: Fire

JIK: Follow God

Donda: Jail



곡 퀄리티에 따른게 아닌, 제 취향에 따라 골라봤습니다 여러분 최애곡도 궁금합니다

댓글 27
  • 5 8.14 13:41

    라고 저스디스가 말했다 JUSTHIS says on X: "Heard 'em say https://t.co/Su6NJasAu6" / X

  • 5 8.14 13:41

    라고 저스디스가 말했다 JUSTHIS says on X: "Heard 'em say https://t.co/Su6NJasAu6" / X

  • 8.14 13:56
  • @자카
  • 8.14 14:01


  • title: Kanye West (Donda)yi
    8.14 14:48

    ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 볼때마다 웃음벨이네

  • 8.14 15:13
  • 8.14 16:21
  • 8.14 18:59
  • @자카



  • 8.14 14:21

    와... 어쩜 하나도 나랑 안겹칠까

  • 8.14 15:20

    TCD: All falls down, through the wire

    LR:Heard'em say

    Graduation:I wonder, good life,Everything I am,The glory

    ( 다 너무좋음)

    808: heartless,paranoid


    Yeezus: bound 2

    TLOP: fsmh Pt1, waves

    Ye: ghost town, violent crime

    Ksg: feel the love

    JIK: follow god

    Donda: jail, come to life

    V1: burn, Back to me

    V2: field trip, promotion

  • 8.14 15:28

    Tcd - never let me down

    Lr - touch the sky

    Jolup - goodmorning

    808 - robocop

    Mbdtf - runaway

    Yeezus - bound2

    Tlop - waves

    Ye - all mine

    V1 - carnival

    V2 - time moving slow

  • Jail 이 제일 좋아

  • title: Kanye West (Donda)yi
    8.14 15:51

    프사 ye니언즈 뭐임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @yi

    주머니에 넣고 다니고싶어서요,

  • 8.14 18:55

    Tcd - all falls down

    Lr - touch the sky

    Graduation - goodmorning

    808 - welcome to heartbreak

    Mbdtf - lost in the world

    Wtt - no church in the wild

    Yeezus - black skinhead

    Tlop - waves

    Ye - ghost town

    Ksg - 4th demension

    Donda - come to life

    V1 - fuk sumn

    V2 - river


  • 8.14 19:00

    TCD - Family Business

    LR - Heard 'em Say

    Graduation - Bittersweet Poetry

    808s & Heartbreak - Street Lights

    MBDTF - Runaway

    WTT - Otis

    Yeezus - I'm In It

    TLOP - Waves

    ye - Violent Crimes

    KSG - Cudi Montage

    JIK - Hands On

    Donda - Off The Grid

    V1 - BACK TO ME

    V2 - 530


  • TCD: Through The Wire

    LR: Heard'em Say

    Grad: Good Night

    808s: Street Lights

    Mbdtf: Devil in a New Dress

    WTT: Otis

    Yeezus: Blood On the Leaves

    TLOP: I Love Kanye

    ye: Ghost Town

    KSG: Reborn

    JIK:Everything We Need

    Donda: New Again

    V1: BACK TO ME




  • 8.15 16:21

    I Love Kanye ㄷㄷ

  • @Dinster

    ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 당연히 농담이죠~

  • 8.14 20:48

    TCD-jesus walks





    YEEZUS-blood on the leaves


    YE-ghost town


    DONDA-off the grid

    WTT-gentleman in paris




  • All falls down

    Touch the sky

    Flashing lights

    Street lights

    Dark fantasy

    Bound 2


    Ghost town

    Off the grid

    Do it

    Field trip

  • 8.15 04:00

    TCD: All Falls Down, Through The Wire,Space Ship

    LR: Crack music,Drive Slow,Hey mama,Sierra Leone

    Grad:I Wonder,The glory

    808s: Robocop,street lights,coldest winter

    Mbdtf: POWER, Runaway,So appalled

    WTT: Ns In Paris,No church in the wild

    Yeezus: New Slaves, Black Skinhead,Hold My liquor

    TLOP: No More Parties In LA,Waves,30 hours,FML

    ye: 솔직히 다 조흠ㅠㅠㅠ

    KSG: Fire,Reborn,4th dimension

    JIK: Follow God,water,use this gospel

    Donda: Believe what I say,24,come to life,junya,Jonah,pure souls



    적어놓고 보니까 되게 많네요ㄷㄷ;; 대깨칸

  • throughthewire, touchthesky, stronger

  • heartless, darkfantasy, onsight

  • wolves, 이제기억안남, reborn, ongod, offthegrid

  • 8.16 03:36

    1. Through The Wire

    2. Drive Slow

    3. Champion

    4. Paranoid

    5. Devil In A New Dress

    6. Bound 2

    7. FSMH pt.1

    8. Wouldn't Leave

    KSG: Reborn

    9. Follow God

    10. Jail

    V1: Back To Me

    V2: 530

댓글 달기

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