


마이클 부블레 (Michael Bublé) - Home

title: IllmaticBlack Star2024.02.16 17:14조회 수 116댓글 0







[Verse 1]
Another summer day has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome, but I wanna go home, mmm
May be surrounded by a million people, I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh, I miss you, you know
And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
I'm fine, baby, how are you?
Well, I would send them, but I know that it's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that
Another aeroplane, another sunny place
I'm lucky, I know, but I wanna go home
Mmm, I got to go home



Let me go home
I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home



[Verse 2]
And I feel just like I'm living someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not come along with me
That this was not your dream
But you always believed in me
Another winter day has come and gone away
In either Paris or Rome, and I wanna go home
Let me go home
And I'm surrounded by a million people, I
I still feel alone
Oh, let me go home
Oh, I miss you, you know



Let me go home
I've had my run
And baby, I'm done
I gotta go home
Let me go home



It'll all be alright
I'll be home tonight
I'm coming back home

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