


가쉽 🚽 킴 카다시안, 비앙카 고소 시도?

title: Frank Ocean - BlondeGayGay2024.10.05 11:37조회 수 1377추천수 4댓글 23


“Kim is in a terrible spot because Bianca has completely won over her kids,” a source exclusively tells In Touch. “When they’re with Kanye there are no rules, he and Bianca give in to their every whim, so of course they love being with them.”

킴은 자신의 아이들이 본인보다 비앙카를 더 좋아한다는 사실에 충격을 받음

비앙카와 칸예는 애들을 제어하기 보단 풀어주는 성향임

“If Kim says anything critical, they defend her so it’s not like she can even bring up the fact that Bianca is pretty well naked around them, even in public,” the insider explains. “She’s begged Kanye to do something about it, but he loves upsetting her so she can’t get anywhere with him.”

이젠 킴이 한 소리 하면 애들이 비앙카를 변호하는 상황까지 감

그래서 칸예한테 네 와이프 옷치장 처신 좀 하라고 말하면

금쪽이 칸예가 오히려 약올라서 말 안 들음

“Kim is fuming. She’d love to get a lawyer involved but there’s not a lot she can do unless Bianca gets arrested,” the insider concludes. “It’s awful and Kim’s convinced Bianca and Kanye are purposely trying to mess with her.”

킴은 칸예랑 비앙카가 의도적으로 자신을 자식들과 떨어뜨리려는 수작으로 보고 있음

변호사를 대동하고 싶지만 막상 비앙카를 고소할 만한 건수가 없음

“Bianca is a wonderful person, without whom Ye would not still be with us,” Milo, 39, wrote via X on August 8. “She’s in an impossible situation as someone who loves her husband but is also a traditionally-minded wife (notwithstanding the outfits) who honors, obeys and defers to her man. Pray for them both.”

앞서 칸붕이의 아산화질소 중독을 폭로한 마일로는

 “비앙카가 없었다면 칸예는 진작 이 세상에 없었을 것“

”남편을 사랑하지만 순종하기도 하는 전통적인 여성상이다“ 라 평함

해외 뉴스가 없어진 상황에서 제가 발품 팔아봅니다

댓글 23

댓글 달기

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