


공유하고픈 릴 웨인 가사들

PainApple2024.07.02 01:46조회 수 274댓글 1

오늘 거의 첨으로 릴 웨인 가사 제대로 보면서 들어봤는데

너무 감명 받아서 공유하고 싶네요 ㅋㅋ


저 라인들이 그냥 한 줄로 있으면 별 거 아닌 거 같은데도

라임을 계속 맞추면서 한 번씩 저런 걸 넣어버리니까


라임 따라서 듣다가 한 번씩 띵 하네요


<Life of Mr.Carter>


Little voices in my head said, "Don't mind the little voices"


Shit, what's harder, murder or abortion?


Is it easier to play deaf or to listen harder?


What's higher, the price or Mr. Carter?


<Nightmares Of The Bottom>


They say you don't know what you're doing 'til you stop doing it


And don't call me sir, call me survivor


<Blunt Blowin'>


They say we learn from mistakes; why, that's why they mistake me


And they say never say never, but fuck it, nevermind


I've been gone too long, true or false, right or wrong


Life is a choice, and death is a decision




Well if life is a bitch, then mine a gold digger




I pay these niggas with a reality check


I get money to kill time, dead clocks




Sometimes I need someone to talk to
'Cause I Am Not A Human Being, Part Two


I say "Before you gas me up, check the gas price"


I stick it in her ass like some fucking steroids


I personally know strangers
It's so strange but this girl named Dana


<She Will>


What goes around comes around like a hula hoop


I tried to pay attention but attention paid me


I'm all about I, give the rest of the vowels back


<Eminem - No Love>


Uh, be good or be good at it


Yeah, put a dick in their mouth, so I guess it's fuck what they say

댓글 1
  • 7.2 17:06

    단어 위치나 일상 관념을 거꾸로 뒤집어서 말하는 펀치라인들이 좋네요

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