


비틀즈 플리인데 놓친 곡 있을까요

title: SANTA DOOMRainymatic2024.06.25 23:48조회 수 333댓글 11

1. Misery, Please Please Me, Love Me Do


3. And I love her, Can't buy me love, If I fell, A Hard day's night


5. Yesterday


6. Drive my car, Michelle, In my life


7. Taxman, Eleanor Rigby, I'm only sleeping, Here there and everywhere, Yellow submarine, She said she said, For no one, I want to tell you


8. Sgt.pepper's lonely hearts club band, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, getting better, a day in the life


8.5. Magical Mystery tour, hello goodbye, strawberry fields forever, penny lane, all you need is love


9.obladi oblada, while my guitar gently weeps, black bird, happiness is a warm gun, I will, helter skelter, revolution 9


10. come together, something, octopus's garden, Here comes the sun


11. Let it be, get back, the lond and winding road, across the universe


기타(앤솔로지, 싱글, 솔로): imagine, cloud nine, when we was fab, hey jude, now and then, free as a bird


일단 이 정도로 듣고 있는데 또 괜찮은 곡 있을까요?

미셸이나 free as a bird는 최근에서야 알았을 정도라 또 빼먹은게 있을까 해서 올려봅니다

빼먹은 비틀즈 좋은 곡, 솔로곡 다 좋습니다 추천 부탁드려요

댓글 11
  • 6.25 23:55

    비틀즈 새삼... 문득... 대단

  • title: SANTA DOOMRainymatic글쓴이
    6.26 00:14

    상습 숭배

  • 6.25 23:58

    Lovely Rita

    Real Love

  • title: SANTA DOOMRainymatic글쓴이
    6.26 00:14

    와 Real love 갸좋네요... 나중에 free as a bird랑 이거 꼭 리마스터링 해줬음 좋겠다

    아님 now and then처럼 AI 써서 하던지

  • 6.26 00:02

    Wild honey pie

  • title: SANTA DOOMRainymatic글쓴이
    6.26 00:14

    이건 좀 더 적응해야겠읍니다ㅋㅋ

  • 6.26 08:03

    Anna , PPM , There’s A Place , Twist And Shout

    All My Loving , Devil In Her Heart

    Things We Said Today

    I Don’t Wanna Spoil The Party

    YGTHYLA , Ticket To Ride ,Dizzy Miss Lizzy

    You Won’t See Me , If I Needed Someone

    Love You To , Tommorow Never Knows (이게 없다니..)

    WALHFMF , She’s Leaving Home

    The Fool On The Hill, Blue Jay Way , I Am The Walrus

    초반3개 , I’m So Tired

    Two Of Us , Dig A Pony

    에비로드는 다

    6대 명반은 솔직히 몇개 빼고 다 들어가야한다고 생각합니다

  • title: SANTA DOOMRainymatic글쓴이
    6.27 17:02


    다 다시 들어보고 넣아야긋네요

  • 6.26 15:36

    With a little help from my friends 개인적인 페퍼상사 최애곡입니다(a day in the life 제외)

  • 6.26 17:25

    링고 리드보컬 귀하죠 그중에서도 제일 명곡

  • title: SANTA DOOMRainymatic글쓴이
    6.27 17:02


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